Thursday, November 10, 2016


On the way we had to stop in another small town founded by Romans or even the umbri people even earlier.   The small river had been diverted to run through this public laundry facility
Empty today. We strolled through the quiet narrow streets surprised by sudden piazzas presenting somber large church facades.  How many churches can there be?  We peek into a cloister converted into a hotel. At last we stop for coffee in a small bar where Gina picks up a gallon of local fresh olive oil in a metal can that a local small olive grove owner had arranged to leave for her.  This will go home with them in their luggage.


  1. Love seeing this. Why are buildings made with whiter brick? Not red brick?

    1. The bricks are blocks of stone. Everything is made with stone and tile. Even the brick shapes in arches I think are stone. Cement holds rough stones together.

  2. I always am amazed at the beauty of Italy and all the churches. There must be a one-to-one ratio of churches to people.
