The author of the Harry Potter series taught at the univ in Porto for 2 years prior to creating her novels. A 7th year architecture student gave us some insights followed by a visit to a famous bookstore.
The students designed a student wardrobe the would be functional and affordable. Now it is only worn for special function.
A cape was worn over the arm by freshmen but as the students participated in class or clubs they earned patches much like scouts in the u.s. upper classmen wore the cloak over their shoulder to display their affiliations or achievements. At one time any group of 3 or more seen after 7 pm was considered to be plotting anarchy and could be arrested. Now the cape was worn wrapped around the student up to his chin which would on a dark street make him invisible. Sound familiar?
Joa led a Q & A session over coffee and chocolate in front of a popular student cafe.
Since the publication of H.P. a local bookstore has become a big tourist attraction. See why? Tickets for 5 euro are now needed to enter and the lines are longer than for any important site. A cable car ride was included.